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Instrument Care


Doing simple things to take care of your string instrument every day will help keep it safe and in the best playing condition. Remember that Ms. McTighe is always happy to help with instrument issues and care. 


Things you should ALWAYS do:

--- Loosen the bow hair (lefty-loosey, righty-tighty) after playing.

--- Brush rosin off the top of your instrument after playing.

--- Store your instrument and bow in the case when you are not playing. 

--- Keep your case away from hot places like radiators or fireplaces. 


How to know if your bow is properly tightened:

--- The curve of the stick should look like a smile, not a frown.

--- You should be able to fit your pinky in-between the stick and hair at the middle of the bow.  

--- Use the pictures below as a guide.

Just Right

How I know: The bow stick is curved like a smile. My pinky finger fits easily in-between the stick and the hair. 

Too Loose

How I know: The bow stick is curved like a smile, but I cannot fit my pinky in-between the stick and hair.

Too Tight

How I know: The bow stick is no longer curved like a smile. It is straight. I can fit my finger in-between the stick and the hair, but there is a gap.

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